How to create Scheduled Scans?

Scan scheduling allows you to continuously monitor the security of your systems.

You can schedule a periodic scan by going to the /targets page, select which target(s) you want to scan, then click on the Scan with Tool button and select one of the tools from the drop-down.

After selecting a tool, a pop-up will appear where you can configure both scan and schedule parameters.

You can also schedule a scan by going to the tool page and select from the dropdown "Schedule Scan" instead of "Start Scan":

You can view, edit, and delete your scheduled scans from the /scheduler page and download the latest scan result. Editing a scan will let you change the time when the scheduled scan will start and the frequency/period (daily, weekly, monthly) of the scan as well as the recipients of the scan result.

If you wish to be notified once a scan is complete, you need to enable the notifications.

You can add additional recipients when creating the scan by selecting the “Send to additional emails” checkbox. To add several recipients for the schedules scan results you need to press the Enter key after each one.

You will receive a single scan report per each individual target.